Erin Lost 28lbs, 34 inches and 5% Body Fat in 6 Weeks!
And she earned her investment back in full.
From Coach Josh
Erin conquered the 6 week challenge!! In just 6 weeks she was able to smash her goals because of her commitment, dedication and attitude.
She crushed it to say the least.
She lost 28 lbs BW, 24 lbs BF that’s 5% of her BF and 34.5 inches. She feels lighter and stronger. Her clothes fit her well and just loving fitness.
Congratulations Erin! Stay confident and keep pushing.
New to 360 Fitness? Learn more about famous 6 Week Challenge here >>
Here’s a Rundown:
Initial Goal Planning, Body Diagnostic and Assessment
3x Week Personal Training, Support Group + Full Gym Access
Done for Your Nutrition Program with Recipes
Motivation with 2 Ways to Earn your investment back by hitting your goals
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